Press release. November 26, 2022

Within the framework of the investigations being conducted by the Aviation Accident Investigation Commission (CIAA) of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC), and in view of the dissemination of a series of audios from the day of the accident that occurred on November 18, LAP informs the public opinion the following:
1. According to Annex 13 of the International Civil Aviation Organization - ICAO "Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation", the Peruvian State, through the CIAA, the MTC and the General Directorate for Civil Aviation (DGAC), shall protect and safeguard the evidence collected in connection with an aviation accident. Access to such evidence is the sole responsibility of specialized authorities.
2. In this sense, the dissemination of an audio that contains a coordination between the Control Tower and LAP is "illegal". On the other hand, this audio is edited, provoking confusion in public opinion and the different authorities who are investigating these events.
3. Faced with this situation, LAP demands:
a) That the MTC ensure due process and require that CORPAC, as owner of the audios, and the CIAA, as protector and custodian of the evidence of the accident, guarantee that no further leaks of information occur and ensure the integrity of the evidence.
b) That the MTC initiate an investigation in order to identify those responsible for the leaks and illegal manipulation of the audios that are the subject of the investigation.
4. LAP reaffirms its commitment and respect for the legal framework governing the investigations of the accident; and reiterates its absolute willingness and cooperation with the authorities, so as to ensure that all investigations are conducted with absolute objectivity and thus achieve a real clarification of the facts.
Callao, 26 de noviembre de 2022