Identity and Address

Lima Airport Partners S.R.L. (hereinafter "LAP"), with Tax ID N° 20501577252, located at Av. Elmer Faucett No. Sn (Jorge Chavez International Airport), Callao, Callao, Peru.


The privacy of your personal data is important to LAP. Therefore, to protect them, we provide you with this Privacy Policy, which explains our practices for collecting and processing your personal data, as well as the actions you can take regarding them.

Legal Framework

This Privacy Policy is governed by Peruvian law and, in particular, by:

  • Law N° 29733, Personal Data Protection Law.
  • Supreme Decree N° 003-2013-JUS, which approves the Regulation of Law N° 29733.
  • Information Security Directive, approved by Directorial Resolution N° 019-2013-JUS/DGPDP.
  • Directive for the Processing of Personal Data through Video Surveillance Systems, approved by Directorial Resolution N° 02-2020-JUS/DGTAIPD.

Necessary Purposes

Your personal data will be used for the following necessary purposes related to the services offered by LAP:

  • Verify and validate the identity of the customer and potential customer.
  • Send information requested by the user through LAP's digital channels.
  • Send information about the commercial offer and/or services offered by LAP, as well as promotions and discounts; shipments made based on the information LAP has about the user, such as flight information, consumption habits, presence, or possible presence at the airport.
  • Send and/or provide quotes and/or proposals for products and/or services offered by LAP, previously requested by the customer and potential customer.
  • Handle and manage complaints, inquiries, and requests made through LAP's authorized channels.
  • To prevent or detect fraud or criminal activities or to manage and resolve any actual or potential loss related to a crime or fraud.
  • Share personal data with supplier companies to fulfill LAP's obligations.
  • Host, store, and process customer information with specialized companies, national or international, that provide cloud-based infrastructure services.
  • Manage compliance with legal obligations.
  • Conduct market research, purchase profiles, and send advertising, promotions, and offers for its products and/or services and/or those of other companies due to commercial alliances.

Optional Purposes (Requires Explicit Consent)

Optionally, your personal data may be used by LAP for the following purposes:

  • Conduct market research, purchase profiles, and send advertising, promotions, and offers for its products and/or services and/or those of other companies due to commercial alliances.
  • Share your personal data with companies that are part of LAP's commercial partners to conduct market research, purchase profiles, send advertising, promotions, and offers for their products and/or services. We inform you that, for the optional purposes of your personal data, LAP may share your personal data with its commercial partners in the following sectors: retail, restaurants, entertainment, hotels and real estate, health, and insurance. The updated list of companies that are LAP's commercial partners is detailed in Appendix I attached, entitled "List of LAP's Commercial Partners." If necessary, this list will be updated in a timely manner by LAP through this channel.

Mandatory Personal Data

To carry out the necessary purposes described in this Privacy Policy and depending on the type of service the user uses, it is mandatory to provide the following personal data:

  • Identification data: Names, surnames, ID / Passport / Tax ID, home address, phone, email, voice, signature, electronic signature.

Data Bank

The information will be stored in the personal data bank called "Airport Services Users."

Exercise of ARCO Rights

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition of your personal data, as well as revoke your consent for optional purposes or request the rectification and/or modification of your personal data by sending an email to

Additional Information

LAP reserves the right to modify, update, or complete this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes or modifications to this Privacy Policy may be made at any time and will be announced on our authorized channels.